"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."
― Carl Jung

Do you feel lonely, empty inside or out of mental energy? Are you looking for meaning in your life? Are you ready to take a real good look inside yourself?

I can help walking the path with you.


There are a lot of good reasons to seek out psychotherapy. Anxiety, depression, grief, stress, relationship issues, just to name a few. And some people find their reasons not to do it: taking responsibility in your own life, realizing that the story you created about yourself is a lie, redefining yourself and getting out of your comfort zone. Once you have taken the first step, there is no turning back. It is a lifelong path that will lead you to your inner universe unfolding and being the master of your own life and destiny. It is taking the first step towards a conscious life.

It takes a lot of courage to reach out and ask for help. But asking for help also means that you are ready to take the first step towards change and to create a better version of yourself.


The psychological benefits of massage therapy are numerous: Depression relief, anxiety and stress reduction, release of endorphins – the feel-good hormone released in times of joy and happiness. It is the body’s natural pain killer.

A calm body is a calm mind - the body remembers what the conscious mind choses to forget. As a holistic therapist I am aware of the power of bodywork and how it affects the mind.


1 SESSION € 50
One session is approx. 55 minutes.


MASSAGE 5x 1 HOUR (€ 35/HOUR) € 175

Martin Gamst

I have always been interested in working with people - helping, teaching/training, co-working. For years, I have been connected to SIND in Denmark - an organization that helps young and vulnerable people that are in a difficult situation of their lives. I have also been caregiver for low income families in the local community as well as a caregiver at an elderly home.

My master studies in psychotherapy began in 2017 at the ID Academy in Denmark. It is one of the biggest and most recognized psychotherapy schools in Scandinavia. It was after years of self-development and exploration that I found out that I wanted to help others in their path to a better life.

I am very interested in the existential part of psychology. Existential is being afraid of death, loneliness, freedom (e.g. taking decisions), meaninglessness. It covers so many aspects of our lives and the decisions that we make.

I view the human psyche as a whole, therefore yoga, meditation and food as medicine are a big part of my life and personal development is a natural part of my life.

I am a certified masseur in physiological massage from Danish Physiological Massage School in Denmark.


Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to reach out and ask for help. Asking for help can mean that we are in a vulnerable situation, and being vulnerable is often considered to be weak in our society.


Phone ES: +34 662 166 949
Phone DK: +45 3030 3002
Email: zensitivetherapy@gmail.com

Opening Hours

Weekdays: 16:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 15:00
Sunday: Closed

You are very welcome to call me to have a talk about who I am, how I work and how I can help you.
I speak English, Spanish and Danish.